How to Extend the Life of Your Used Car in Delray Beach, FL

Old and used cars can last a long time, visually and mechanically, if properly maintained. With the right care, you can not only extend the life of your CPO or used vehicle but also reduce your environmental footprint. Follow these tips to get started.

Keep a steady maintenance schedule

You should be able to find your car’s recommended maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual. Follow the schedule to help ensure your car continues to run smoothly for as long as you own it. Preventative maintenance will also save you money by ensuring small issues don’t grow into large, costly ones.

Wash and wax regularly

If you want to keep your used car looking like new, wash and wax it regularly. Washing is key prevent dirt buildup and potential rust damage. As for waxing, it will help prevent small scratches while keeping your car’s color and shine looking beautiful. Fortunately, Florida weather is perfect for both washing and waxing.

Drive smoothly and attentively

One of the best things you can do to extend your car’s lifespan is to treat it gently. You can significantly minimize wear and tear by being progressive with your inputs rather than sudden, such as when accelerating, braking, steering and changing gears. Additionally, try to make a habit of regularly listening for unusual noises. Sometimes, the first sign of a problem is manifested by sound. If you hear clunking, squealing, rattling, sputtering or other such noises, bring your car to the service center at Presidential Auto Leasing & Sales.

Routinely check fluid levels

Cars need their fluids, and running a car lacking the necessary fluids can quickly turn to disaster. Consult your owner’s manual for instructions on how to check the engine oil and coolant as well as the transmission, brake and power steering fluid. If they’re low, or you don’t feel like getting your hands dirty, bring your car to our service center.

At the end of the day, a used car will be as nice to you as the way you treat it. Make sure your car gets the best long-lasting care by scheduling routine service appointments at Presidential Auto Leasing & Sales in Delray Beach, Florida.